United Way is committed to reducing disparities in educational outcomes so all children and youth have the opportunity to succeed. We do this by providing resources to families to promote early learning and development, improving access to high-quality early learning opportunities, and providing supportive services that promote learning. Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is one program that helps us reach this goal.
Through generous donations from United Way donors, we provide one book each month to over 3,500 children in Southeast Minnesota from birth to age 5. These sturdy, colorful, age appropriate books are delivered directly to the child. Each book is selected for the developmental benefits it brings - and for the fun. There is no charge, fee, or donation required or expected to enroll. If you would like to donate, United Way of Southeast Minnesota appreciates donations to offset costs of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. The local cost of the program is $30.00 per child, per year.
Parents or guardians can register their child (or children) under five by submitting a registration form (In Spanish) to United Way of Southeast Minnesota. Forms are also available at the United Way of Southeast Minnesota office.
We are currently serving at program capacity. You may experience an enrollment delay and be put on a short waiting list once your registration form has been received in our office. We will admit new children to the program on a first come, first serve basis.
Once enrolled, **Please allow at least 8 - 12 weeks for delivery. Not all books are shipped at the same time. Households enrolling children of different ages should expect books for each child to arrive at different times.
To ensure your child's The Dolly Parton Imagination Library books reach their home, please complete a change of address form.
Have you or your child received books from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library? Tell us about your experience with this program by filling out this form!
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