Ned, a veteran in his 90s, knows what it means to work hard and invest in our community. He’s lived in Olmsted County all his life, employed in various industries—even planting trees in retirement.
It can be challenging in Ned’s stage of life to maintain a home and good health independently. He faces barriers like fewer social touchpoints, limited resources, and less mobility. “Things are kind of rough for people today,” Ned shares.
It’s not just seniors who face barriers to a healthy quality of life.
Did you know that right now, about 1 in 3 Olmsted County adults feels socially disconnected from their community?
Social isolation is considered a threat to physical health, even considered a risk factor comparable to smoking or obesity.
Other neighbors face different challenges, like weathering economic inflation, struggling with their mental health, or lacking educational opportunities.
We work with partners like Family Service Rochester to reach neighbors like Ned. He got connected with David, who helps him with home maintenance and visits with him. “David has been so much help to me,” Ned shares. “And he is a good friend.”
Thanks to our donors, Ned is receiving tangible and social support. It inspired him to start a card-playing club for other community members, which gives him renewed purpose and friendship—and shows how LIVING UNITED can multiply in impact across Olmsted County!