mission moment

United Way of Olmsted County unites people and resources to improve lives in the community with a focus on educationhealth, and financial stability – the building blocks for a good quality of life. We do this by convening the community to address key issues, collaborating to achieve a measurable impact, and connecting human and financial resources to achieve our mission.

To help create a thriving community we work along-side partners like Family Service Rochester and programs like Meals on Wheels, to ensure people are connected to the resources they need. Occasionally partners will send us participant success stories or comments reflecting on their experience. Read about Dan and Sue's experience, below. 

In spring 2021, we received a call from a concerned sibling saying that her brother and sister-in-law were not getting enough food. She said that she does not live near the couple and so could not oversee them personally, but she was trying her utmost to find services for them in Rochester. Family Service Rochester set up a home visit with the couple and found that the wife was recovering from a kidney transplant and the husband was coping with very limited sight.

After our meeting (which included lots of input by Barney the cat), the couple agreed to try Meals on Wheels as it was getting difficult to shop and cook for themselves. Both individuals expressed extreme gratitude that Family Service Rochester had so many services to offer and looked forward to trying the meals. Fast forward a couple of months, Dan and Sue are enjoying the meals immensely and a weight has been lifted off the shoulders of their very caring sister, who calls in every weekend to let us know which meals they would like for the week. The couple is still coping with their individual health issues, however, knowing a hot meal is available when they need it has greatly reduced their stress and given them a sense of security.

With your generosity of time, talent and treasure, United Way of Olmsted County is bridging gaps across complex systems, fostering partnerships, connecting people to essential housing and food services and helping advance housing stability across the community. Our goal is to create lasting change by addressing the underlying causes of social problems. We are mobilizing the community and building collaborations that produce results. Together, we are changing Olmsted County for the better for all of us. 

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